EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society

This workshop is part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue, financed by the European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme between EU and Turkey, coordinated by the Directorate for EU Affairs.

The aim of this workshop is to present the Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society. The roadmap represents the outcome of the projects’ activities and dialogue between European and Turkish civil society which has been established during the past year.

The Policy Vision Roadmap is a holistic policy report presenting a vision on how to better articulate and align Turkish climate policy with the EU. Such a holistic vision is warranted as it will help structure civil society (and industries’) strategies and action plans towards clear objectives: furthering climate policy. The report puts forward the following elements:

  • A high-level overview of recent developments in EU and Turkish climate change policy
  • A set of good practices and lessons learned from climate policy developments in the EU which could be translated and applied in the local context
  • Timeline and clear steps local Civil Society and stakeholders should take towards better articulating and furthering climate policy developments

The workshop will begin with a keynote speech by the Turkish authorities, after which a high-level overview of the climate policy developments in Turkey and the EU and the role of civil society in its development will be provided by the invited experts.

These interventions will set the floor for the main presentation of the Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society by the project team and the interactive panel discussion on the future and role of Civil Society in furthering climate policy. Finally, the moderator will open the floor for a roundtable discussion with other attendees.


Date: May 24
Time: 09:00 – 14:00
Event Category:


Mövenpick Hotel Ankara, 06560 Turkey + Google Map
View Venue Website

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society

This is a hybrid meeting, participants can choose to attend in-person (Ankara, Turkey) or online

This workshop is part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue, financed by the European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme between EU and Turkey, coordinated by the Directorate for EU Affairs.

The aim of this workshop is to present the Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society. The roadmap represents the outcome of the projects’ activities and dialogue between European and Turkish civil society which has been established during the past year.

The Policy Vision Roadmap is a holistic policy report presenting a vision on how to better articulate and align Turkish climate policy with the EU. Such a holistic vision is warranted as it will help structure civil society (and industries’) strategies and action plans towards clear objectives: furthering climate policy. The report puts forward the following elements:

  • A high-level overview of recent developments in EU and Turkish climate change policy
  • A set of good practices and lessons learned from climate policy developments in the EU which could be translated and applied in the local context
  • Timeline and clear steps local Civil Society and stakeholders should take towards better articulating and furthering climate policy developments

The workshop will begin with a keynote speech by the Turkish authorities, after which a high-level overview of the climate policy developments in Turkey and the EU and the role of civil society in its development will be provided by the invited experts.

These interventions will set the floor for the main presentation of the Policy Vision Roadmap for Civil Society by the project team and the interactive panel discussion on the future and role of Civil Society in furthering climate policy. Finally, the moderator will open the floor for a roundtable discussion with other attendees.

Workshop Materials:

Draft Agenda


May 24
09:00 – 14:00
Event Category:


Mövenpick Hotel
Mövenpick Hotel
Ankara, 06560 Turkey 
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Role of Civil Society in Developing Climate Policies

Date: 23 February 2022
Time: 10:00 – 12:30 (Brussels time) /12:00 – 14:00 (Istanbul time)
Online Meeting: Zoom

This workshop is part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue, financed by the European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme between EU and Turkey and which is coordinated by the Directorate for EU Affairs. The objective of the project is to establish a sustained dialogue between Turkish and EU civil society organizations (CSOs), private actors and public institutions on the articulation of climate change policy between the EU and Turkey.

The opening session, which was held in July, focused on introducing the project to stakeholders, presenting the first results of the research, and highlighting the most recent climate policy developments under the European Green Deal.

As part of the project activities, we also conducted interviews with a wide range of Turkish CSOs from which we were able to better understand their needs and realities. Furthermore, this stakeholder-driven approach enabled us to identify the main EU climate policies that are priority for Turkish CSOs.

This workshop will focus on the key role CSOs play in the EU in developing climate policies, both through informal and formal participation processes, and identify best and concrete practices that Turkish CSOs could implement. A number of CSOs have been invited to engage in a panel discussion in order to get a better understanding of what this means for EU and Turkish stakeholders.

Lastly, it will be an opportunity for Turkish and European CSOs to establish a dialogue and to highlight additional elements they would like to see as part of this project, and what kind of format and topics they would like to touch upon in the next workshop.

10:00 – Welcome remarks
• A. Marcu, Director, ERCST

10:10 – Keynote speech
• M. K. Bozay, Ambassador, Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the EU

10:30 – Overview of the role of Civil Society in EU policy development processes
• M. Monciatti, ERCST

10:50 – Presentation on climate policy articulation processes from EU Civil Society
• B. Denis, industriAll European Trade Union
• E. Brutin, Cembureau
• D. Kutluay, Europe Beyond Coal
• D. Rao, Carbon Market Watch

11:30 – Reactions from Turkish Civil Society
• A. Kalaycı, Energy Industrialists & Businessmen Association (ENSiA)
• B. Özenç, Sustainable Economics and Finance Research Association (Sefia)
• K. Karavelioğlu, Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM)

12:00 – Roundtable discussion

12:30 – End of meeting

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Deep dive on CBAM, ETS and the Just Transition Mechanism

This workshop is part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue for civil societies. The overall objective of the project is to establish a sustained dialogue between Turkish and EU CSOs, private actors and public institutions on the articulation of Climate Change policy between the EU and Turkey and climate policy development in general.

During this workshop the project team will give an overview of the project, as well as the objectives and activities that will be undertaken as part of the project. The project team will then present the first results of the research, highlighting the recent climate policy developments that have taken place in the EU. It will be an opportunity for local Turkish CSOs and stakeholders to highlight additional elements they would like to see as part of this project, and what kind of format and topics they would like to touch upon in the next workshops.

The EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue project is part of the sixth phase of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme (CSD-VI) which is funded by the European Union and coordinated by the Turkish Directorate for EU Affairs.

This event is by invitation only, if you are interested please email

This event will take place in hybrid format, both online and in-person.


Date: October 6
Time: 10:00 – 15:00
Event Category:
Event Tags:

ERCST’s Just Transition Presentation
ERCST’s Presentation EU CBAM and implications for Turkey
Turkish Ministry of Trade Presentation Green Deal Action Plan
EBRD’s Presentation
Event Recording

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue: Opening Session

This workshop is part of the project EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue for civil societies. The overall objective of the project is to establish a sustained dialogue between Turkish and EU CSOs, private actors and public institutions on the articulation of Climate Change policy between the EU and Turkey and climate policy development in general.

During this workshop the project team will give an overview of the project, as well as the objectives and activities that will be undertaken as part of the project. The project team will then present the first results of the research, highlighting the recent climate policy developments that have taken place in the EU. It will be an opportunity for local Turkish CSOs and stakeholders to highlight additional elements they would like to see as part of this project, and what kind of format and topics they would like to touch upon in the next workshops.

The EU – Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue project is part of the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme (CSD-VI):Civil Society Support Programme-III (CSSP-III) which is funded by the European Union and coordinated by the Turkish Directorate for EU Affairs.

This event is by invitation only, if you are interested please email


Date: July 6

Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm CEST Brussels

Event Tags: CSD

Venue: Zoom Webinar

State of the European Green Deal – EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue

State of the European Green Deal – EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue (Turkish Version)

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue – Agenda

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue – Agenda (Turkish Version)

Potential Effects of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on the Turkish Economy

EU-Turkey Climate Policy Dialogue